Honest Stuff I Make Up · · Puerto Peñasco
Meal Time Space Continuum
The self-aware tostada shells of tonight's totopo singularity. You think it's a harmless topping, but the Mennonite cheese is a Turing test you chew.
Entries from Puerto Peñasco
Honest Stuff I Make Up · · Puerto Peñasco
The self-aware tostada shells of tonight's totopo singularity. You think it's a harmless topping, but the Mennonite cheese is a Turing test you chew.
Notes · · Puerto Peñasco
Has the summer's novelty song happened yet? So out of touch.
Photos · · Puerto Peñasco
One of many street cats here. This one hangs out at a cafe where I often do the same.
Links · · Washington Post
It's true. It's as if there is a horrible plate shortage no one is talking about and only the wait staff can save us.
Washington Post: The most annoying restaurant trend happening today
Notes · · Puerto Peñasco
We thought we’d go to nearby beach Las Conchas for just a couple hours and then come home and get work done on weekend projects. The fresh ceviche tostadas and cold beer abided by our strict terms, but the sunburns took longer than expected and ultimately all we had time for when we got home was a nap.
Honest Stuff I Make Up · · Puerto Peñasco
We were so lucky to get this table in the quiet section. [Waiter arrives at table riding a 4x4. A sinaloan banda, children with fireworks, and a barking dog balanced on back of seat]
Honest Stuff I Make Up · · Puerto Peñasco
Each day at sunset, I navigate the discarded plastic Coca-Cola bottles and Doritos bags of the tragically beautiful Sonoran shores of the Sea of Cortez with my patented technology Shake Weights in hand. Shake, shake, shake! When onlookers point and laugh, I coax maraca sounds from the shiny dumbbells: Cha, cha, cha! Cha, cha, cha! Five pounds of cha, cha, cha! Then I look back at the gawking litterbugs and ask, “Who is laughing now?”
Well, we all are, of course.
Sounds · · Puerto Peñasco
Mid-morning, bird, and song
Notes · · Puerto Peñasco
The strong wind that has been blowing all week has stopped. Just like the cafe owner said it would.
Notes · · Puerto Peñasco
As a child, I envied my kindergarten teacher’s overbite. Also, I interpreted my Sunday school teacher’s pock marks as proof of her ability to taste Big Mac flavors other people could not.
Honest Stuff I Make Up · · Puerto Peñasco
At the Concertina Trailer Park Retirement Community for Anxious Libertarians, a suspicious confluence of unseasonal weather, satellite network programming changes, and other discomforting irregularities has residents changing evening plans. In light of these certain uncertainties, it is decided that the trip to Sam’s Club for dog food and cigarettes can wait until after The O’Reilly Factor, which should be on right now but isn’t. In its place is a NASCAR themed garden makeover special sponsored by an unpopular arthritis gel. And now everything just feels wrong in the current slot.
Notes · · Puerto Peñasco
How effortlessly we forget the Spanish word for licorice.